Core Connect Advantages
With the ever growing quantity of available Common Core educational resources online today, searching and selecting quality resources can become an arduous and overwhelming process. Busy educators can easily miss opportunities to take advantage of the best of these resources as they teach to the standards, simply because they lack the time to determine which of them apply to their current instructional needs.
Core Connect makes this connection for educators as they plan their standards-driven instruction, providing a convenient collection of high-quality curated resources and tools that they can locate with a simple search. At Core Connect, each Common Core standard links the educator to a collection of profiled resources that have been evaluated, aligned and verified by knowledgeable educational specialists to ensure that they meet the standards. Further, they are monitored and updated continuously to keep educators at the cutting edge of Common Core implementation.
Core Connect resources include:
- whole group lessons
- small group lessons
- supplemental lessons ideal for Title I instruction
- student led practice with progress monitoring
- games that practice and enhance skills of related CCSS
- assessment